by Christina | Apr 11, 2015 | FitBit, Fitness, Polar M400, Review
I am going to start with “I have nothing bad to say about my Polar M400.” That being said, I have several things to say about it. Fitbit has nothing on Polar. I know it is unfair to compare the Fitbit Flex to the Polar M400, but I will anyway. I am also...
by Christina | Jan 21, 2015 | FitBit, Fitness, Review, Venting
Anyone who has read my previous posts on Fitbit knows that I fell in love with my Fitbit Flex almost at first sight. It was an unhealthy infatuation. I am going to take a gander and say that Flex is probably the best tracker Fitbit has put in the market to date,...
by Christina | Sep 29, 2014 | Changes, FitBit, Fitness, Venting
It’s once again it’s been a month since my last post, and there are several reasons for it, including that I have been working on tons of stuff (i.e. figuring out where I go from here, literally). It’s been overwhelming and underwhelming all at the...
by Christina | Aug 1, 2014 | FitBit, Fitness, Thoughts, Venting
I took a few days break from the gym, Sunday through Tuesday. Made it on Wednesday, thinking I would be fine. Was I wrong! I was in so much pain (left hip, knee, ankle and foot) that I had to give up on my run and walk. Yes, I stopped running at 4 mph and walked at...
by Christina | Jul 25, 2014 | FitBit, Fitness, Review, Thoughts
Okay, so I bought the iHealth HS5 and loved most of it. (See previous post.) However, I hated the app, the site, and the “cloud.” Hated them enough to return the scale. I am back to weighing myself holding Britny to see how much she weighs. That was...
by Christina | Jul 21, 2014 | FitBit, Fitness, Thoughts
Once again I managed to get 70,000 weekly steps by the end of Saturday. See? I was not slacking. I also managed to make it to the gym 33 minutes before closing, and putting in just over 2 miles. Thus, I had to make up the others at home. I did it in a 3′ x...