by Christina | Sep 15, 2015 | Thoughts
The unexpected is everywhere. It may be good, or bad, or neither. It may change your life or choices, or both. You might not even notice it when it arrives. Sometimes it’s a thing or event or person. Sometimes you think the unexpected was exactly what you...
by Christina | Sep 12, 2015 | Thoughts
I think everyone remembers being told to turn the lights off when leaving a room. No one truly wants to do it. It feels very final to turn off the lights as you walk away. So, we don’t. We find any excuse to leave it on just a little bit longer. There are...
by Christina | Sep 7, 2015 | Changes, Thoughts
The fact is we all make choices every second of every day. Sometimes we don’t even realize it’s a choice. We wake up, get ready, head off to work (or whatever). We chose a route at some point and never deviate, so we forget we are making a choice. Heck, we...
by Christina | Aug 22, 2015 | Thoughts
In the last several months, I’ve taken to running almost daily. Lost 20 pounds, and changed my food choices. I’ve applied and been accepted to an accounting program. I’ve also decided not to attend said program, and will be applying to...
by Christina | Aug 17, 2015 | "Letters that I'll Never Send", Thoughts
I often avoid this day. If today were Sunday, I would have pretended it doesn’t even exist on the calendar. But, it’s not. Almost my whole life ago, it was hard. Now, it is just sad to remember. Mostly, I just remember all the things you’ve...
by Christina | Aug 27, 2014 | Thoughts, Venting
Wow. It’s been a month since I entered anything here. It’s been a rough month too. I have come to many decisions in that time. Also, to many realizations. I have seen several sides of myself that I had not in a long time, so long that I didn’t...