After pretty much slacking off since Sunday, when Britny and I walked 2.22 miles at noon and I went to the gym in the evening, I finally went back to the gym for me time last evening and followed up with a short walk for Britny (less than 1 mile).
I still can’t believe that she actually enjoys it, my lazy baby. In any case, her sneakers were destroyed last Sunday, so I ordered her a pair of Ruffwear Grip Trex boots, but I ordered the 2.5″ and they were huge on here. I called their customer service to see if they could help me getting the right size, and they were great! In any case, they suggested the Ruffwear Summit Trex which come in 1.5″ (since Britny measured in at 1.25″ front and less than that on the back. She will probably need to wear socks, but she’s used to that anyway.
Regardless, by chance, I found an older season boot on their site, Ruffwear Skyliner (2012 model), which also came in 1.5″ and is discontinued (read less expensive). I found it out of a shop in WA, so that’s what she’s getting and hopefully they fit great.
Back to subject, her lack of shoes has really put a damper on our activity, especially mine. I’m sure she wouldn’t think much of going out the door shoeless, but after a bit she’d be gunning for home because her feet hurt. My baby is a great actress, to top it all off. Oh, and can she lie! Who knew a dog could be so cunning.
Today, I finally reached all goals again. Very excited. Have now lost 39.8 lbs. Even more excited.

Well, tomorrow, it’s off to the gym in the morning. I promised Britny another walk, so that later in the day. By the way, I apologize for digressing again, but Britny has really started putting on some muscle since we began walking regularly. Back on topic, I have to make some time to sample test myself, and see what I need to focus on studying, since my LSAT date is 2 weeks away and I need to score a 160, which shouldn’t be too hard based on my expired score.
All, have a great Memorial Day weekend, and Thanks to all our Service members, past and present – including those in my family.