Well, if you know me, you may know that it is not the first time I have uttered this particular set of words. In the past 5 years I have begun writing at least 2 books (actually 5, but the other 3 just plain, ol’ sucked!). The first dies as a grew older and wiser, and suddenly found myself and my book at opposite extremes. The second one I may one day finish, but as it was inspired by a little one, I may need one of those to continue and develop my story and bring it to a successful end.
How is this time different. I will be writing about something that very much matters to me (even if I just came to admit it a few days ago), something that requires a bit of research and which is not a foreign subject to other females my age. However, I can’t tell you what it is. It’s just something that is suddenly tearing me inside, and which I am at last willing to admit openly. Of course, I seldom volunteer information, so you would just have to ask the right question to get the right answer on this subject.
I don’t know when I will be done, or exactly what I am writing; but I do know that it is time the world hears us out, and if no one else is willing to speak out, then DAMN IT I’LL WRITE IT OUT!