I have been in TX for 14 days!
Things are a bit different here. For one, everything’s big; that’s not joke. I must say the biggest examples are trucks. There are semis going left and right, and I haven’t seen many Dodge Rams this size, much less this many together. I think that’s the biggest pickup I have seen so far; and I am glad since it, sort of, affords me a job.
Another thing is that all driving is done on one kind or another of highway, freeway or whatever you want to call it. It’s definitely different from driving on Blanding. And not to end my list there(’cause it may not really have an end), life is cheaper here certainly way more than in Chicago. But I can’t much judge since I’ll be making twice as much here. I can be comfortable now. I am so happy. God bless Texas!
The job is nice. Pays well, and it’s easy. I have been “training” for 2 weeks, and shouldbe starting the second phase of that on Tuesday afternoon (since I am taking the morning off to take my car in for inspection and a check). Yesterday everyone’s lunch/day was ruined b a disgruntled customer that made us evac the building, but we made it through without incident. Had a 45-minute on-campus break, and 45-minute off-campus “lunch” time. All in all, it was demonstrative of the community culture of the company, and a great thing to know and experience.
I am living in Lewisville, but I work surrounded by cattle in between Roanoke, Westlake and Keller. That’s a minimum 35 minute commute in the morning and 25 minutes in the evening. Funny thing is that I live off of Dallas County and I go through it everyday on my way to work, but I have never been in Dallas, just in the Dallas County. We bypassed Dallas on the way here, and I have been avoiding going there. I think I’ll try to go to the Farmers Market today.
I’ll quit typing, and get to doing.