Well, I thought about it while fighting with AOL to get my previous post published. And I decided that I don’t like resolutions. Resolutions give me stress and I am a sliver away from an ulcer I don’t want. So, I am not making resolutions. But I decided to post what my resolutions would be if I were to resolve to do anything in the coming year.

Here it goes [in no order in particular]:

  • Apply to Law School
    (Actually mail the completed applications, not just complete them like in the past two years.)
  • Put together a Recommendation package to send to professors
  • Ask for recommendations
  • Lose weight (An All-Time Favorite)
  • Get a job and move out [again]
  • Get my license [again]
  • Get a car
    (after doing both immediately previous entries)
  • Go back to reading 8 books a week (and include at least 1 in Spanish, 1 in French, 1 in German; and hopefully get good enough in Japanese to start reading)
  • Buy and Read Harry Potter 6!
  • Start looking into Ph.D. and S.J.D or J.S.D. programs (then look into L.L.M. programs)
  • Maybe, I’ll date this year. Why not?
  • Well, I think that’d be it. Not much, huh? 🙂