Okay, I haven’t posted for a while, and a lot has happened so here is the somewhat summarized version.
I took the LSAT, again – after 10 years – on June 9th. The prior couple of weeks were crazy, and I actually made myself sick with stress the weekend immediately prior to the test. This was my last “GOAL” day before the test, and since – so far. My best ever!
In any case, I was trying to work out my anxiety and only managed to ratchet it up significantly. But I made it more than miles! I took Sunday off and did nothing but watch movies and hang out with my mom. Then I took the test Monday, and it was so anti-climatic it deserves mention. I have no idea how I did. If the first Logic Games section was the experimental, probably not great; but, if it wasn’t, then I expect a minimum of my desired score. I was actually smiling and rolling my eyes at the questions as I just saw the answer about every other time. I was thinking: how did I ever think this would be hard. I remember it was very tiring ten years ago; then again, I walked two hours (!) in a blizzard to get the testing center that time. I was definitely better this time around, no blizzard.
Since, I have not really exercised. Not that I have been just laying around, but I haven’t made a concerted effort to go out of my way and put in some miles, or whatever. Neither have I been obsessing about the Calorie count, though I haven’t stopped counting. I did gain 6 lbs. overnight after the test, but they have gone again. Thank goodness!
My Britny has been sick, so she has not been exercising either. I’ll probably give her a few more days to recover; though, knowing her, she will probably milk a few more out of it, despite the fact that she likes to exercise. I preened when the vet said she was putting on muscle and looking good for her age. My baby is very spoiled and a little vain.